X-BEAM is an X-ray irradiation device specifically designed to prevent transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), a rare but often fatal reaction caused by the donor's lymphocyte T if they recipients are transplanted into a transplanted blood product together with a transfused blood product.
Application areas:
Cells and tissues
Bone marrow ablation on laboratory animals
other general research purposes
X-BEAM comes standard with a computer with a wide touchscreen display for complete handling, recording and data transfer of each irradiation lot. The optional barcode reader, along with the optional label printer, provides full traceability by providing a complete list of information for each individual bag ID: ID bag, lot number, ID operator, device serial number, date and time, irradiation time, estimated dose, Temperature of the chamber, voltage and current of the generator, possible alarms, X-ray stop and, if available, its duration.
To prevent accidental double irradiation of an already irradiated bag, the system includes a safety logic that automatically compares each new ID bag to the bags stored in its database. If the system detects an attempt to "false duplicate record processing" of an existing badge, an ALARM is issued and a message is displayed: "WARNING! Barcode already available! ".
Standard data transfer occurs via USB or Ethernet by providing a comma-separated file (xxx.csv). In addition to the irradiation data, X-BEAM generates an exportable LOG file with the registration of all events and the change made to the machine parameters, specifying who did this.
In the X-ray irradiation chamber is by default a useful rotation system for blood bags. Such a system comprises two types of plastic canisters with 3 and 4 sectors suitable for different bag volumes, up to six bags and up to 1,800 ml total volume to be treated simultaneously.
The required X-ray dose can be easily programmed by setting fewer operating parameters. These settings will display the estimated dose on the screen. As soon as the irradiation starts, a moving colored bar also indicates the elapsed time.
Together with the X-BEAM, a software is provided, which is able to generate a PDF file and a Treatments.csv file that are useful for possible external interfaces or even for simple storage of classified electronic data. The software allows the application of some filters based on the interval date, last day, badge or cycle number. The report shown in Figure 4 contains the filter by date interval. The generated report is based on a template, so the name of the institution, the address and the signature name can be personalized.